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Medical Educational Resource

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What's New In SMA

Activity Snapshot

Activity Type: 
Release Date: 
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Sponsor Information: 

This program is supported in part by independent educational grants from Biogen, Genentech and Scholar Rock.


Dr. Erin Neil, DO
University of Michigan Hospitals, Michigan Medicine
What's New In SMA
Activity Overview: 

The MDA Medical Education team has partnered with Dr. Erin Neil, DO from the University of Michigan Hospitals, Michigan Medicine to create a detailed presentation discussing the multiple aspects of SMA care. These slides will help physicians to learn more about the diagnosis process of SMA, the mechanism of disease, how to proactively manage symptoms, and the current treatments.

Learning Objectives: 
  • Explain the importance of a timely, accurate SMA diagnosis and why early intervention is crucial​
  • Compare and contrast the different therapies on the market or in clinical development, their administration and the appropriate patient populations for each