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Hillrom Live Industry Update Webinar: Hospital Proven Airway Clearance (OLE) Therapy - Now Available in the Home

Activity Snapshot

Activity Type: 
On-Demand Webinar
Release Date: 
Friday, May 7, 2021
Sponsor Information: 

This Industry Update Webinar is sponsored by Hillrom. This program is not sponsored, endorsed, or accredited by MDA. 


John Prpich
M.D. F.A.A.P

Pediatric Pulmonary Specialists P.A

Activity Overview: 

Respiratory complications are common in neuromuscular disease. This webinar will discuss patient selection for airway clearance therapies and introduce the Volara (OLE) System.  The Volara (OLE) System is hospital proven therapy now available in the home.  Oscillation Lung Expansion (OLE) 3:1 Therapy delivers lung expansion, secretion clearance and nebulization.  Please join Dr. John Prpich as he shares his experience with this therapy.